Delia Cortés Guiral was born in Huesca, Spain. She is a specialist in peritoneal surface malignancies, a certified surgeon, and a member of the first class of the European School of Peritoneal Surface Oncology (Washington, 2016). She’s a specialist in Cytoreductive Surgery, HIPEC (hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy) and PIPAC (pressurized aerosolized intraperitoneal chemotherapy). Her training and interest in minimally invasive surgery have positioned her as an active surgeon in the development and promotion of laparoscopic peritonectomy: she organized the first worldwide course on Laparoscopic Management of Peritoneal Disease (Spain, 2019) supported by ESSO (European Society of Surgical Oncology), EYSAC (ESSO Young Surgeons Alumni Club ) and SEOQ (Spanish Society of Surgical Oncology). She is also a specialist in colo-rectal cancer. Dr. Delia Cortes-Guiral has been responsible for @SoMe4Peritoneum media content (Twitter community) since 2019 and she is really committed to the globalization of surgical knowledge through social media and educational channels.
She’s served as a member of the Steering Committee of EYSAC since 2017 and was appointed to the ESSO Board of Directors during the Extraordinary General Assembly of 15th June 2020. As a member of the Steering Committee of EYSAC (2017-2021) she has contributed organizing two hands-on courses on thyroid and on MIS in peritoneal disease, among other initiatives. Member of the board of directors of SEOQ 2017-2021 (Spanish Society of Surgical Oncology), Member of the board of FESEO 2019-2020 (Spanish Federation of Associations of Oncology), member of the Communication Committee of the ISSPP since 2019 (International Society for the Study of Pleura and Peritoneum) and the Communication Committee of the AEC 2019-2020 (Asociación Española de Cirujanos). Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Colorectal Disease and member of the Media Editor Committee for Surgery journal.