Dr. Ke-Neng Chen

MD, PhD, FRCS, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Peking University Cancer Hospital, Vice President of CMA Thoracic Surgery Branch Cardiothoracic Surgery
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The First Department of Thoracic Surgery, Peking University School of Oncology, Beijing Cancer Hospital, Beijing, China Dr. Prof Keneng Chen, MD, PhD, is a professor, chief surgeon, supervisor of doctorial candidates and chair of thoracic surgery, cancer hospital, school of oncology, Peking university. He graduated from his medical school in the early 1980s, then studied and worked in Lanzhou, Wuhan and Beijing successively, got his master degree in oncology and doctorial degree in surgery. Dr Chen did his postdoctorial research in Peking university school of oncology during 1998 to 2000 and UT M.D Anderson cancer center thoracic tumor center & plastic surgery during 2003 to 2005. For the past decades, Dr. Chen has been devoted to lung cancer and esophageal cancer treatment, especially surgical treatment. In the field of lung cancer, he successfully led his team transfer the ‘conventional thoractomy’ to ‘thoracoscopical assistant lung surgery’, in the field of esophageal cancer, he has pushed forward ‘gastric tube’ to reconstruct esophagus followed esophagectomy instead of conventional whole/sub- stomach interposition. Alongside with ordinary lobectomy and esophagectomy, Dr. Chen is also skilled in the treatment of complex thoracic malignancies. Dr. Chen has also established lung cancer and esophageal cancer prospective database, with more than 98% follow-up rate, in which the 5-ysr for esophageal cancer patients was 44.0% and lung cancer patients 66.2% without staging. Due to his great achievements in medical practices and scientific researches, Dr. Chen was elected as active member of AATS, granted as FRCS, he was also elected in ‘ Beijing Science and Technology Star Plans’, ‘Beijing Cross-Century Talents ‘(1999), ‘Ten-Hundred-Thousand ‘Plan of Beijing(2005), Senior Technical Personnel Training Plan, the Foregoer of Thoracic Oncological Surgery(2009) and the top-100 doctors of china(2013). At the same time, Prof Chen also has many other adjunct positions, including vice chairman of Chinese anti-cancer associate esophageal cancer specialty, member of the standing committee and secretary general of CMDA thoracic surgery branch, member of standing committee of Chinese anti-cancer association CSCO osteosarcoma expert committee, etc. Meanwhile, Prof Chen is also an editorial board member of more than 10 periodicals and magazines and reviewer of 12 magazines. Besides, he is also a leader and principle investigator to more than 10 major scientific projects, including the state-973, state-863, etc. He has published more than 130 papers, among which 13 were in English-peer-reviewed journals. At the same time, he has written chapters in 4 books and translated 2 English books into Chinese. Terms of Appointment: Aug 2014 - Jul 2018; Aug 2018 - Jul 2022