Prof. Ronan Cahill

MD, MB BCh BAO, FRCSI, Full Professor, UCD Centre for Precision Surgery, University College Dublin; Consultant Colorectal and General Surgeon and Director of Digital Surgery Unit, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Ireland Colorectal Surgery
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 Professor Ronan Cahill was appointed Professor of Surgery at University College Dublin (UCD) and the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital (MMUH) in June 2014 before taking over leadership of the Section and Subject of Surgery in UCD in 2017.  In 2019, he was appointed Director of the Centre for Precision Surgery, UCD and the Digital Surgery Unit, MMUH. Ronan graduated MB,BAO,BCh (Hons) from University College Dublin in 1997 and then completed his basic and specialist surgical training in Ireland, gaining both MD by thesis (Health Research Board Clinical Research Fellow) and FRCS by examination. Thereafter, he was a clinical fellow at the IRCAD/EITS Institute in Strasbourg, France from 2007 to 2008 before moving to the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals as a senior fellow and then honorary consultant and senior clinical researcher from 2008 to 2010. Ronan returned to Ireland in 2010 as a consultant general surgeon (specialist interest in colorectal surgery) at Beaumont Hospital before moving to the Mater and UCD. He is a recipient of both the Bennett and Millen Medals (RCSI Millen Lecturer 2010) and was the ASGBI Robert Smith Lecturer in 2014.

He has authored over 275 peer-reviewed publications, seven book chapters and four National Guidelines. He has been an editorial board member of five indexed surgical journals, including Colorectal Disease and the European Journal of Surgical Oncology and is a former member of the SAGES Research Committee (SAGES Career Development Award recipient 2009).

He has a major academic interest in Surgical Innovation and New Technologies and active basic science, clinical and device development research partnerships both nationally and internationally including the performance of phase 1, 2 and 3 trials aimed at advancing surgical practice. He was a co-awardee and clinical lead of the now successfully concluded major Disruptive Innovation and Technologies Fund (DTIF) award by the Irish Government (for a project entitled "The Future of Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment", a consortium including UCD, RCSI, IBM Research and Dechiphex using artificial intelligence for decision support in surgery and pathology) and EU Horizon 2020 consortium award (entitled PORSAV- Protecting Operating Room Staff Against Aerosolized Virus). He is currently PI for the major Horizon Europe Consortium award CLASSICA, a multidisciplinary effort to validate the use of artificial intelligence (AI) software for decision support during endoscopic and laparoscopic procedures for significant rectal polyps and cancers. He has additional work ongoing in AI support for perfusion assessment during general, colorectal and plastics and reconstructive surgery including high degree supervision and collaborative clinical study.