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The scrotal approach to penile prosthesis implantation has been the approach most frequently used for this surgery. It is an easy procedure with excellent outcomes that can be performed by a novel urologist or a trainee urologist.

Clinical Case:

67 y/o male presented with ED. The patient had failed PDE5 inhibitors and ICI had been tried without satisfactory outcomes and with pain.

Clinical History:

The patient suffered six years ago a penile fracture that was managed conservatively. Penile Doppler US revealed an ED due to an arterial insufficiency and venous occlusive disease. Autophotographs in erection showed a left lateral deviation of less than 30 degrees.

Procedure Steps:

  • Shaving of the penoscrotal area with razors
  • Alcoholic clorhexidine solution is used for the skin
  • Urethal catheterization to empty the bladder
  • Installation of the Scott retractor
  • Transverse 2cm scrotal incision
  • Go through the Dartos fascia, bluntly, until complete dissection of both corpora cavernosa is achieved
  • Place both sutures for corporotomies as proximal as possible: 2 stitches of Vycril 2/0 in each corpora cavernosa
  • Make each corporotomy no more than 1.5 cm long
  • Measure corporal length proximally and distally using a Furlow inserter without previous dilatation of the corpora, except in cases of corporal fibrosis
  • Check the absence of a urethral lesion by filling the corpora cavernosa with an antibiotic solution
  • Change of gloves and preparation of penile prosthesis
  • AMS 700LGX cylinders placement and closure of corporotomies
  • Place the pump in the scrotum in the midline deeply at first, and then superficially
  • Create space for a reservoir posterior to the transversalis fascia (Retzius space) using scissors in case it cannot be opened with your finger
  • Perform a complete inflation of the prosthesis to check adequate placement and correction of possible curvatures
  • Close the Dartos and the skin with Vycril sutures.
  • Place a Coban type dressing for penile and scrotum

Learning Points:

  • Use always a single window approach
  • Minimize the corporatomy
  • Always make sure to stay along the axis of the penis, try to go lateral with the Furlow
  • Use of instilled antibiotics
  • Insert each cylinder separately, first distally, then proximally
  • Test the result applying inflation
  • Be as fast as you could be without losing safety
Faculty keyboard_arrow_down
Dr. Juan Ignacio Martínez-Salamanca Head of Urology Service, LYX Center of Excellence for Prosthetic Urology (Madrid), Spain Urology
Dr. Cristina Martín Vivas General Surgery Resident, LYX Center of Excellence for Prosthetic Urology (Madrid) Urology
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