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Description keyboard_arrow_down
Releasing the lower part of the esophagus and treating a potential hiatal hernia, creating a Nissen fundoplication and performing a sleeve gastrectomy below the fundoplication.

Clinical History:

  • Female
  • Age: 45 years old
  • BMI: 41kg/m²
  • Apnea Syndrome
  • Upper GI: Severe Esophagitis

Technique description:

  • 1. Releasing the lower part of the esophagus and treating a potential hiatal hernia
  • 2. Creating a Nissen fundoplication
  • 3. Performing a sleeve gastrectomy below the fundoplication

Procedure Steps:

  • 1. Releasing the left crus and greater curvature of the stomach
  • 2. Releasing the lesser omentum and the right crus
  • 3. Releasing 5cm of esophagus
  • 4. Creating a 360º fundoplication calibrated by a midsleeve tube
  • 5. Stapling the stomach (6cm from the pylorus to the left of the fundoplication)
  • 6. Checking with the good shape of the Nissen sleeve with the midsleeve tube
  • 7. Controlling the vascularization of the wrap with ICG

Learning Points:

  • Fixing the fundoplication above the GE Junction
  • Calibrating the fundoplication with a tube (36F)
  • Transecting the fundus with only one layer of the gastric wall to the left of the wrap
  • Checking the lack of gastric stenosis at the level of the wrap with the gastric tube
Faculty keyboard_arrow_down
Dr. David Nocca Professor of Digestive Surgery, Head of the Bariatric and Metabolic unit at Chu Montpellier Bariatric Surgery
Dr. Marta Silvestri Surgeon, Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Montpellier Bariatric Surgery
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