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The least aggressive and most successful treatment for parastomal hernias: One of the most frequent complications after stoma formation is parastomal hernia. Symptomatic patients require surgical treatment. Simple repair is associated with high risk morbidity and relapse of up to 100%. Relocating the stoma also has a high rate of recurrence (76%) plus the probability of incisional hernia at the previous stoma site. The laparoscopic hernioplasty (Sugarbaker technique) provides a solution to these issues as it offers patients the benefits of minimal invasive surgery and superior repair success. Juan José Espert and Ricard Corcelles from the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona performed this technique for the entire AIS Community.


The least aggressive and most successful treatment for parastomal hernias: One of the most frequent complications after stoma formation is parastomal hernia. Symptomatic patients require surgical treatment. Simple repair is associated with high risk morbidity and relapse of up to 100%. Relocating the stoma also has a high rate of recurrence (76%) plus the probability of incisional hernia at the previous stoma site. The laparoscopic hernioplasty (Sugarbaker technique) provides a solution to these issues as it offers patients the benefits of minimal invasive surgery and superior repair success. Juan José Espert and Ricard Corcelles from the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona performed this technique for the entire AIS Community.

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Dr. Juan José Espert Consultant in General and Gastrointestinal Surgery at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona. General Surgery
Dr. Ricard Corcelles MD, Professor of Surgery, MIS Surgeon, Fellowship Program Director, Bariatric & Metabolic Institute, Cleveland Clinic, USA Bariatric Surgery
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