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The 13th AIS Channel live congress held on March 9th, 2017 focused on Sleeve Gastrectomy. Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG) has become the most commonly performed bariatric operation in the last few years over the gastric bypass (RYGB), although its complications can be more severe than those of other bariatric surgical techniques.

Over 16,000 people from 102 countries were connected live during the entire event. Crazy!

The audience around the world was able to watch presentations by world-leading experts followed 3 simultaneous live surgeries. From Montreal (Canada), a primary sleeve gastrectomy with cruroplasty was performed by Dr. Gagner. The surgery from Bruges (Belgium) was revisional, namely the conversion of a sleeve into a distal gastric bypass with long biliopancreatic limb performed by Dr. Dilemans. The case chosen by Dr. Lacy from Barcelona (Spain) was a conversion from sleeve to bypass.

The event included cutting-edge debates on the following topics: complications after SG, controversies in SG, and revisional surgery after a failed SG. Some of the world’s leading authorities in bariatric and metabolic surgery participated in the discussion in person and remotely, such as Francesco Rubino, Stacy Brethauer, Ricardo Cohen, Raul Rosenthal, Rudolf Weiner, David Nocca, Andrés S.Pernaute, José Balibrea, and Mitchell Roslin, all moderated by Ricard Corcelles.

Once again, AIS Channel has exceeded its own goals with this meeting, bringing the best education to every corner of the world from the hands of the best surgeons. Simply amazing.

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