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Dr. Lacy starts talking about Surgical Site Infection (SSI), explaining the importance of treating them. As with most complications, different measures can prevent it. However, in this video, Dr. Lacy discusses whether coated sutures should be used.

In general, there are two different types of coated sutures: chlorhexidine and triclosan. For both of these types of sutures, he gives evidence from studies of their effect on the prevention of SSI. Whereas studies are available for triclosan coated suture, trials are still ongoing for chlorhexidine coated sutures.

To conclude, Dr. Lacy gives some take-home messages. He finishes the presentation with a video of a surgery after rectal resection. While the video is played, Dr. Lacy discusses the advantages of the suture used and describes what is shown in the video.

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Dr. Antonio M. de Lacy MD, PhD, FACS (Hon), FASCRS (Hon), IQL Director, Department of Surgery, Hospital Quirón Barcelona, Hospital Ruber Internacional Madrid and Clínica Rotger Palma de Mallorca; AIS Founder and President, Spain General Surgery
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