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The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that in 2016 there were 650 million obese adults in the world. Unlike cancer or infectious diseases, for example, obesity relies on a complex, multifactorial system that poses a challenge in the approach to the condition.

Bariatric surgery is a powerful tool to treat these patients, but it still is not midely accepdted and many patients fear undergoing permanent procedures. This is one of the main reasons why the popularity of endoscopic procedures and non-permanent procedures is growing.

The Bariclip allows for the reduction of gastric volume and, consequently, ingestion, without stapling, malabsorption, or changes in the anatomy, and is completely reversible.

In this lectue we will talk about this minimally invasive procedure, its pros and cons, an wether it has a future in the management of bariatric patients.

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Dr. Caetano Marchesini Bariatric SurgeonBariatric Surgeon, Hostpital Sirio Libanês, São Paulo, Brasil Bariatric Surgery
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