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Last October, Steven D. Wexner and Antonio M. de Lacy were invited to the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv to work together on a rectal cancer case. During a live surgery, they shared and discussed the main steps, technical considerations and advantages of simultaneous work to achieve oncological resection for rectal cancer.

As a special feature, the vascularization of the colon and the anastomosis were tested using indocyanine green to improve patient's safety, and Mariana Berho validated the quality of the dissection in the resected specimen.

AIS Channel is also aware of the global appeal of this technique and in its Winter Event of 18th December global experts will be meeting to discuss key issues from diagnosis to treatment of rectal cancer in 2015.

Don’t miss it!

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Dr. Mariana Berho Director Anatomic; Clinical Pathology, Chief Wellness Officer, Cleveland Clinic Florida, USA Surgical Oncology
Dr. Antonio M. de Lacy MD, PhD, FACS (Hon), FASCRS (Hon), IQL Director, Department of Surgery, Hospital Quirón Barcelona, Hospital Ruber Internacional Madrid and Clínica Rotger Palma de Mallorca; AIS Founder and President, Spain General Surgery
Dr. Steven D. Wexner MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, Surgery, Past Vice Chair, Board of Regents, American College of Surgeons, Director, Ellen Leifer Shulman and Steven Shulman Digestive Disease Center and Chair, Department of Colorectal Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Florida, USA Colorectal Surgery
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