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The ideal surgical procedure adapted to the patient's characteristics is a current topic of discussion and is a growing field of research. On June 21 the gastrointestinal surgery department at the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona brought together such international experts as Camilo Boza from Chile, Luigi Angrisani from Italy and Antonio M. de Lacy from Spain.

Each of them performed a surgical procedure, providing tips and tricks, and the procedures were broadcast live in the 18th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Surgery of Morbid Obesity and its Metabolic Diseases and on AIS Channel. More specifically, the conversion of a sleeve gastrectomy into a roux en y gastric bypass, a sleeve gastrectomy and a roux en y gastric bypass were broadcast.

It was an amazing experience as the main tips and tricks, indications and surgical innovations were discussed. This event was recorded and will soon be available in our Live surgery section. Please check our website for updates.

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Prof. Luigi Angrisani MD, President - XXVI IFSO World Congress of Bariatric and; Metabolic Surgery, Naples, Italy (2023) . Associate Professor of General Surgery at the Department of Public Health at the Federico II University of Naples, Naples, Italy Bariatric Surgery
Dr. Camilo Boza MD, FACS, FASMBS Medical Director Center for Nutrition and Bariatrics, Clínica Las Condes Chile Bariatric Surgery
Dr. Antonio M. de Lacy MD, PhD, FACS (Hon), FASCRS (Hon), IQL Director, Department of Surgery, Hospital Quirón Barcelona, Hospital Ruber Internacional Madrid and Clínica Rotger Palma de Mallorca; AIS Founder and President, Spain General Surgery
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