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The topic of this talk is human hemostatic agents in surgery and their availability in the marketplace. The market offers a significant number of choices available for hemostatic agents, however, there’s a lack of standardization that has led to suboptimal use of hemostasis.   

Some studies point out that surgeons choose hemostats predominantly by site and situation. When it comes to site definition, the focus is on anatomy & critical surrounding anatomic structures that could be impacted. Nevertheless, the situation encompasses intra-operative versus post-operative bleeding risk, type of access, type of tissue surface, and bleeding intensity. 

It is very important to recognize the five bleeding situations that emerged. Doctor Munene discusses the solutions in the marketplace to deal with this specific kind of complications.

Finally, a graph is discussed where the different kinds of bleeding can be identified and tips are given to correctly use all solutions.

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Dr. Gitonga Munene Chief Division of Surgical Oncology West Michigan Cancer Center, Associate Professor of Surgery Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine, USA Surgical Oncology
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