Colaboración Latinoamericana de Cirugía Robótica

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About COLCIR keyboard_arrow_up

The great contrasts and difficulties of access to technology, which is the common denominator in our continent, have strengthened the idea of the need and importance of grouping together and working as a block.

Faced with this need, during 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, COLCIR (ColaboraciónLatinoamericana de Cirugía Robótica) is formed with the challenge of strengthening the region from the scientific, technological and logistical point of view in issues related to the development of robotic surgery with the ultimate goal of democratizing it.

COLCIR is constituted as a non-profit Latin scientific society collaboration, which seeks to group and support all scientific societies and surgeons related to the robotic approach, regardless of their specialty, to disseminate, enhance and share experiences among themselves and with the rest of the world.

To this end, we were able to integrate the potential of the main scientific societies of the leading countries in the region, such as SOBRACIL (Brazilian Society of Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery), AMCIR (Mexican Association of Robotic Surgery) and SCCBM-ROBOTIC (Department of Robotic Surgery of the Chilean Society of Bariatric Surgery). In conjunction and support with SRS (Society of Robotic Surgery) and its Latin branch SRS-LATAM, the first directive of this Collaboration was integrated.

Today we are linked with all the Latin scientific societies and we support in the societal, educational and scientific activities in the field of robotic surgery.

Latin America has contributed and has much to contribute in the field of robotic surgery development, since it has brilliant, committed people with an incredible potential, so we believe it is very important to keep us united in this synergy to promote, disseminate and share our work.


Jorge Bravo López - President

Javier Kuri Osorio - Vicepresident

Fernando Barros - Director

Francisco Galeana - Secretary

Eduardo Parra Davila - LATAM Robotic Surgery Society Directory

Armando Melani - LATAM Robotic Surgery Society Directory

Carlos Domene - LATAM Robotic Surgery Society Directory

Meetings/Events keyboard_arrow_down