About NSCRD keyboard_arrow_up
The Nigerian Society for Colorectal Disorders (NSCRD) is a multidisciplinary association made up primarily of General Surgeons and Pediatric surgeons as well as gastroenterologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists and pathologists who are domiciled within and beyond the shores of Nigeria. The focus of the society revolves around improving the standard of care in the management of lower Gastrointestinal conditions in Nigeria. Membership is open to all health care professionals interested in the care of colorectal diseases in Nigeria.

The society was founded in early 2020, just before the dark days of the global coronavirus pandemic, when a group of Nigerian Surgeons met at the sidelines of the 31st Annual International David D Jagelman MD Memorial Colorectal Diseases symposium and Joint Annual Meeting of the Isreal Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery. This event took place at the David Citadel Hotel in Jerusalem and the attendance of these Nigerian surgeons was facilitated by Professor Steve Werner of the Cleveland clinic, Florida, USA as well as the kind donation of the Dangote Foundation.

In the pursuit of it’s goals, the NSCRD has conducted a number of events to enhance the delivery of colorectal services in Nigeria through workshops, clinical research, community engagement and monthly webinars using a mix of local and International resource persons. An Ordinary General Meeting is usually held in June while the Annual General Meeting takes place in November of each year. The inaugural biennial Memorial Lecture in honor of the founding father of the society, Professor Charles Adisa, took place in 2022 and the next edition scheduled for February 2024.

The society has enjoyed support and collaboration with like minded professional bodies such as the the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO), the Laparoscopic Society of Nigerian (LASSON), the Association for Coloproctology in Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI), the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery as well as the Egyptian Society for Colorectal Surgery. The NSCRD is also an integral member of the Association of Surgeons of Nigeria (ASON). 

Executive Members:

1. President: Dr Adeyinka Adejumo

2. Vice President and CPD Director: Dr Ademola Adeyeye

3. General Secretary: Dr Oyintombra Koroye

4. Assistant General Secretary: Dr Ngozi Eke

5. Treasurer: Dr. Salamatu Halidu

6. Financial Secretary: Dr. Vincent Enemuo  

7. Social Secretary: Dr Saheed Akanni

8. Assistant CPD Director: Dr Ulasi


 List of Trustees

      1. Prof B.T Ugwu (Nigeria)

      2. Prof A. Bakari (Nigeria)

      3. Prof K.D.T Yawe (Nigeria)

      4. Mr E. Eguare (Ireland)    

      5. Dr A. Iroatulam (Italy)

      6. Prof N. Ibrahim (Nigeria)

      7. Prof J.G Makama (Nigeria

Faculty keyboard_arrow_down
Dr. Ademola Adeyeye MBBS, MMCS, FRCS(Eng),FACS, FEBS, FMAS, FWACS, PGDE, Vice President and CPD/ Clinical Research Coordinator, NSCRD; General and Minimal Access Surgeon, Associate Professor of Surgery, ABUAD, Nigeria General Surgery
Dr. Vincent C. Enemuo MBBS, FWACS, Consultant General Surgeon and Deputy Director, Multidisciplinary Oncology Center, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital; Lecturer, College of Medical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria Surgical Oncology
Prof. Taiwo A. Lawal Professor, Department of Surgery, College of Medicine and Dean, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, University of Ibadan; Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, Department of Surgery, University College Hospital, Nigeria Pediatric Surgery
Prof. Emeka Ray-Offor MBBS(Nig), FWACS, FMAS, DMAS(Ind), FACS, Professor of Surgery, University of Port Harcourt Choba Nigeria; Consultant Minimally Invasive Surgeon, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria General Surgery
Meetings/Events keyboard_arrow_down

July 30th: A panel meeting on fostering MDT in Mgt of colorectal disorders (Virtual meeting)

August 27th: Clinical presentation (Virtual meeting)

September 24th: Seminar on capacity building for surgeons in a resource limited setting ( Virtual meeting)

October 29th: Clinical presentation (Virtual meeting)

November 26th: End of year OGM